[stylist] Poem - "Manners" - Second Draft

William L Houts lukaeon at gmail.com
Thu Jul 23 10:47:27 UTC 2015

Good Morning, Rabid Verse Fans,

Been working on this one for two or three days.  I'm not saying it's 
perfect, but there's a political, altruistic theme here which I don't 
necessarily express in other poems.  So I'm kind of into this one as an 
advance in my style.  I recognize that I employ certain manners of 
syntax and phrasing in many of my poems, and I'm striving to stretch 
myself, to become more flexible, maybe even more unpredictable. In the 
meantime, enjoy, if you like.






*They're not for kissing prince foot,*

*or kneeling bareheaded before khans; *

*they're meant for our peers,and for the people who serve: *

*cashiers and countermen, waitresses, wives, the boy*

*who brings our paper. Right attention's the thing,*

*that we don't treat the humble  who bow to make their rent*

*like doors and dust mops, slammed and shaken.*

*Awaken to grace; don't fall into mastership.*

*We're greater than that. The planet's great charge:*

Fill their dusty cups with icy deep drink,

with water so cold it eases their griefs,

gives gladness, restores the soar

to oncebroken wings. Fill it again: unparch them, pass through

their bars and engrail them with mercies as deep

as your soul can yield. Love many and much, and touch

the untouchables:the imprisoned, forgotten, the slave:

cheer for how you've grown, and how much given

before you reach the flimflam grave.


"Oh, Sophie!  Whyfore have you eated all de cheeldren?"

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