[stylist] lessons learned

EvaMarie Sanchez 3rdeyeonly at gmail.com
Mon Jun 22 02:18:32 UTC 2015

Hello compatriots, I was just talking with Mr Leslie Newman about lessons.
After going off to something else, I had a thought. It came to mind of how
the lessons learned could help, not only with writing, but with everything
we do. I only took a moment to ponder this before deciding that I would
share with y'all. It may be common sense, but like a wise man said, "Common
sense is not that common."
 Hey, a virtual gold star for who ever could name that wise man.
Well, getting back to the lessons; I did something last night that changed
what I was working on and I failed to recheck all formatting after making
the seemingly small alteration. It would have taken me approximately 20
seconds to recheck things before sending out, but I didn't. This cause more
work for another.
 So lesson here is to check and recheck what everr we do. For our writing,
why rely on editors for instance? We could get things done before ever
sending things out. My own private motto that I live by is "If you are in a
hurry, slow down." I did not slow down.
Second lesson kind of relates. Do not take short cuts in what you do.
Someone else used what I am sure is perfectly viable technology to clean up
a document and the results were horrendous. Yes, it was quick, but we can
only trust our own abilities. Technology may work, but if is not
infallible. Neither are humans of course, but maybe the best solution is
the two working together.
Just something to think about. It may mean nothing to you, but it may be
just what someone needs to hear.
Well, Blessed Solstice (Litha).
 President, National Federation of the Blind Northern Arizona
2nd Vice President, National Federation of the Blind Writers' Division
Committee Chair, Arizona Association of Guide Dog Users
Affiliate Member, National Federation of the Blind Legislative Committee
Affiliate Member, National Federation of the Blind Membership Committee
Member, Slate & Style Editing Team

"You do not need to have vision to see the stars."

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