[stylist] Poem: Baltimore

Bill Outman woutman at earthlink.net
Tue May 5 22:02:01 UTC 2015



I haven't submitted anything for a while but I cam up with something after
thinking about the recent events of Baltimore and the context of our whole
nation, which includes us.  


The poem follows my signature.  


Bill Outman 




O please can we have some more 

Of hope starting in old Baltimore.  

For some people we must confess 

'Tis been too long Baltiless.  


I have it clearly in mind 

Equality, opportunity, security not just for the blind.  

"Twould be an awful shame 

If things just went back to Baltisame.  


O say can you see 

By us all working to heal the scars, 

All will be truly free 

And we'll have earned our American stripes and stars.  




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