[stylist] Poem - "Trumpets" - Firstish Draft

William L Houts lukaeon at gmail.com
Wed May 13 15:08:06 UTC 2015

HI Gang,

Slow week for me so far, poem-wise.  But I sat down to do a little work 
this morning, and this bit of something came up.  It's fun, and might 
even be almost competent, if you squint, or your screen reader does.




There's that hallelujah shine in their noise,

a din like the clanging of baying hound stars.

Sometimes, faraway mighty, they pierce the high lunar heart,

and hire the devil for rapturous, sorcerous set

in the casino of wheels, the magma heart turning

under our electrical ragtime pound-foolish feet.

Greet the sun in your spinning, your wild winning trembles, they say,

becake yourself with choclatine raptures, O hear us announce

the Louis-loud christ.Be highest, be highfoot bestow

upon backs which should bear them your bafflements

bloody, your burdens, your cave bears and curses,

your purses of sun-coins commemorate the mothers of dance.

Clap your nine hindu hands, and rapturous rise

saying grace for our trumpets and our trumpet-schooled eyes.


"Oh, Sophie!  Whyfore have you eated all de cheeldren?"

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