[stylist] 28. Self Publishing and Insecurity (Miss Thea)

April Brown aprilbrownshade at gmail.com
Thu Oct 1 11:46:51 UTC 2015

I have been publishing backlogs of work on Smashwords, Draft2Digital, and Amazon for two years now.

You have an option to buy ISBN's.  You can also get them free from those companies.

You don't pay a publishing company.  They pay you.

Of course, being blind, we may need to pay cover artists and editors.   However, they are not affiliated, or part of the self publishing companies you publish through.  If a "self publishing" company charges you for anything, they are not a self publishing company.  Basic publishing industry standard.

Elizabeth Craig has a good list of freelance editors, formatters, and cover designers.  I do not think it is accessible with a screen reader, as it is a Excel spreedsheet.  I can look for the link later today.

Do your research.  You do not pay a publishing company.  They pay you.  Industry standard.

You may hire freelancers for things you cannot do, such as cover design or editing.  However, they should not be affiliated with a publishing company.  Some companies, such as Smashwords, do have a list where members have added their names and contact information for those services.  However, that publisher, Smashwords, does not receive a kickback, or even verify the person's ability to do a good job. Use at your own risk.

April Brown

Writing dramatic adventure novels uncovering the myths we hide behind.

aprilbrownshade at gmail.com

Website: https://sites.google.com/site/uncoveredmyths/
Twitter: http://twitter.com/UncoveredMyths
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