[stylist] The Letters NFB: What Do They Stand For?

Bill Outman woutman at earthlink.net
Fri Oct 30 16:35:28 UTC 2015

Good afternoon, folks.  


I created something fun with the letters NFB they you might enjoy.  It might
be helpful in introducing ourselves to the public and potential new members.
It appears below my signature.  


Bill Outman 


The Letters NFB: What Do They Stand For? 


So, what do the letters NFB stand for?  

Could it be National Federation of the Blonde?  Well, there are some of us
who maybe, either naturally or by adding color, but all hair colors would be
welcome.  That includes brunettes, redheads, our seniors with gray and white
hair, and even the bald.  Even Dennis Rodman's varied hair colors would be


Then is it the National Federation of the Bland?  Certainly not, God forbid!
We are very interesting folks, with all the interests, likes and dislikes
everyone else has.  We are definitely not a boring group.  


So are we the National Federation of the Blend?  Well, in a way, we could
be, even though that's not really our purpose.  We are of all ethnicities,
genders, faith traditions and political persuasions.  


Well, then, those letters must stand for the National Federation of the
Blind.  Yes, that's right.  This blend of people manage to come together
around the one thing we have in common, varying degrees of functional or
non-functional vision or no eyesight at all.  We come together to help each
other better our lives and those of others we know or may not know who are
similarly situated.  We also work to bridge the gap of understanding between
us and the communities where we live.  





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