[stylist] Monthly Gathering

EvaMarie Sanchez 3rdeyeonly at gmail.com
Thu Mar 17 20:55:36 UTC 2016

Hello Folks, This month we  have a special  guest, Arwen Lynch. I am
attaching  her bio below to  pique your  interest.
The call will be on the last Sunday of the month, but remember that you
must be a member of the Writers' Division  to participate. You still have
plenty of time to get your membership in if you have not already.
Many Blessings,
Eve  Sanchez
Past president of the American Tarot Association and published fiction
author, Arwen began reading the Tarot in 1980 when a friend handed her the
Thoth deck. She didn’t really like the Thoth deck then (her opinion has
changed since) so moved on to the Herbal Tarot which she still has in her
collection of nearly 300 Tarot and Oracle decks. She just completed work on
the Fairy Tale Lenormand project with world-renowned artist and deck
creator, Lisa Hunt. The Fairy Tale Lenormand will be out in the summer of
2016. Writing as the team of Marilu Mann, Arwen has eleven novels

Her fascination with this introspective divination system grew (right along
with her bookstore bill.) She began to read for friends in 1980. What she
learned surprised both her and her friends as she began to open up on
intuitively. Her friends began referring their friends to her and Arwen
finally began to read for people she didn’t know.

Arwen sees the Tarot as a tool to help see things that need to be seen.
Rather than doing strictly divination-based readings, Arwen attempts to
deliver readings that gently guide you to taking charge of your own life
and making your own decisions. Her goal is to help you find your joy and
keep it.

She is fond of comparing the Tarot to looking at a road map. “If the map
says bridge out ahead, what fool is going to keep driving?” is something
her clients know by heart. Self-responsibility is the key to getting the
most from a reading with Arwen.

[image: photo]
*Arwen Lynch*
Professional Joy Seeker, Tarot By Arwen
512 618-3890 | readings at tarotbyarwen.com | http://www.tarotbyarwen.com | Skype:
slynch61 <https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#8787778050109208853_>
<http://facebook.com/TarotByArwen1>  <http://linkedin.com/in/stephanielynch>
  <http://twitter.com/TarotByArwen>  <http://youtube.com/user/arwen61>

President, National Federation of the Blind Writers' Division
Moderator, (CHANT) Community Hoping for Accessibility in Non-Abrahamic
Member, Slate & Style Editing Team
Editor, Tapestry, a TAWN publication
"You do not need to have vision to see the stars."

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