[stylist] Brave Pilot is now available in iBooks

Shelley Alongi alongi.shelley at gmail.com
Sat Feb 11 22:48:30 UTC 2017

Hello Crew, Finally, we switched ebook companies. Brave Pilot is now
available on iBooks. We're working on Trespasser, but finally after much
persistence and a good recommendation we're on our way to ebook heaven or
something like that. Read a description and purchase Brave Pilot.
https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/id1205074000  You can also go to iBooks
and search my name Shelley Alongi or Brave Pilot. I say my second book
because my first one Trespasser hasn't been published in ebook form yet on
iBooks. We're working on it. This is very exciting.

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