[stylist] Do you have a writing place? and backing up material

Tessa puppycat at tbaytel.net
Thu Feb 16 21:13:56 UTC 2017

I too am a little obsessive about keeping back ups. I have files on dvds and cds but am moving away from that to portable hard drive and other media like flash cards. One thing I found very useful is a program called doublekiller which allows you to delete duplicate copies of a file from your pc. It's a program to use with caution but if your an info junky like me who keeps everything in multiple places it's a good program to have.
I have tons of old ideas that never quite went anywhere but might one of these days. I was talking to a local poet and mentioned having these files, she told me she burned all her old work, I said I would have been devistated to lose it but she said it was liberating, so each to their own LOL.
A friend lost years of work through ransomewear, she got some sort of virus and it was going to cost a fortune to get her stuff back so I think they just wiped the drive and got a new pc. I have my writing and my books folders on several portable hard drives and on a flash card for my u 2. I hadn't considered printing material off. For my books I keep each in a separate folder and keep all the rough drafts with dates as part of the file name so I know what was done when. 
I use a notetaker for most of my writing, and I write on my lap so I can pretty much write anywhere, though I prefer to write at home with a radio on in the other room. 
I love the fact that technology has made it so much easier to write. I wrote my first novel using the brailler and have a portion of that. I like to look at it to remind me what a terrible writer I was then LOL, couldn't spell for beans never mind punctuate. I wrote novellas using the slate and styless on magazine paper or in hard cover print books. I like the slate for portability but it's terribly slow even with my own brand of short hand. 
I love having a notetaker with a braille display so I can proof my work. But the big thing is back up back up and back up LOL. 

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