[stylist] NLS Book Recording

David Russell david.sonofhashem at gmail.com
Mon Oct 2 12:47:06 UTC 2017

Hi Writers,

Four years ago, I believe several state libraries were recording books
by authors from their respective regions, and books would be later
added to the NLS Catalog as a result. The region tag remained with the
talking book identification as I recall.

The author had to initiate getting their book recorded by their
respective regional library, and furnish a couple copies of the text
which were returned to the author, or at least one is returned. If you
want your own recorded copy, the author at the time provided a
cartridge or thumb drive. I had my novella, Winds of Change, recorded
by the Michigan Library Talking Book Program, and though they did a
fine reading job, I later read it and as an author, would not do it
again. I had some editorial errors that were not caught. Yes, we are
our own worst critic as it should be.

I don't know who has read it or if I was the only one. My assumption
is this program is still in place, but any author should confirm that
with their regional library or main library serving their region.
I don't know what the policy is concerning EBook recording. My novella
was a print edition only.

David Russell
david.sonofhashem at gmail.com
"chilah phanim" Make G-d smile!

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