[stylist] Forwarding Email with Attachments

David Russell david.sonofhashem at gmail.com
Tue Sep 5 15:41:35 UTC 2017


Bridgit and Camille, thanks for your responses. I did google the
topic, forwarding email with attachments and got mixed answers.
Depending on their date, you can or you cannot.

I did try and forward the given email with the referenced attachments,
including a CC to myself. It shows they are included in the CC.

To be safe, I asked the person who sent them, to reduce what was sent
to the bear necessities. That being a JPEG image file. Evidently,
GMail "chokes" if you overload it with multiple files. Hmm.

Nothing like a challenge to keep one going; they say we need
challenges to keep on our toes. Thanks again.

David Russell
david.sonofhashem at gmail.com
"chilah phanim" Make G-d smile!

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