[Stylist] Poem: "Green Lantern"

Abraxas Ardent lukaeon at gmail.com
Wed Dec 5 15:43:27 UTC 2018

HI Stylists,

Here's a poem that takes as a point of departure the current obsession 
with superheroes.  We hear a lot about Batman and Superman, but my own 
favorite hero, Green Lantern, rarely gets mentioned.  This poem is about 
why I like him above all the others.



Green Lantern

Abraxas Ardent  copyright 2018
United States of America
All Rights Reserved

I favor the Lantern over Batman and Supes.
They're mighty, all right, wearing their pain like a second cape
and banishing their Luthors, their Jokers, like four color
Patricks driving out snakes.
But it's a lonely heroics, isn't it,
to dwell all alone in a fortress, a batcave,
to waive all your rights to dancing and mates?
Hal Jordan became the light of forest force;
with Green Lantern Corps, he's a knight
among knights, his ring a band to signify kinship
with heroes of a bright and brothered cosmos,
a savior circus,a cosmic posse:
humane, gently fierce and sublime.
I'm tempted to set my own capes aside
and wear a ring to remind my Batman head
of happier Hal, whose greener strength, instead
of caves and Kryptonite, is bred to serve in partnered might.


  "A crack in the teacup opens a lane to the land of the dead." --Auden

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