[Stylist] Call for submissions to slate and style
Shelley Alongi
alongi.shelley at gmail.com
Sat Jan 20 04:55:10 UTC 2018
Call for Submissions to the spring issue of Slate and Style
We invite your submissions to Slate and Style for the spring 2018 issue. Deadline for submissions is February 28. Do you need ideas? How about your short stories about new beginnings, poems, memoirs, or book reviews.
I have noticed on Styllist a number of people posting about getting their works published. That journey is a different one for all of us and we can never tell that story enough. Please consider writing an article on your experiences for this and future issues.
If you have a how-to trick or tip that you have picked up along the way, please share it with us in the magazine.
I will post the guidelines below. Remember to check and double check your work for punctuation, grammar, and clarity. If there is an overwhelming amount of work it will be considered for other issues. Get your Writing Thinking Caps On! Send all submissions to S-and-S at nfbnet.org. If you want to be double sure your submission is received, send it to queenofbells at outlook.com.
Happy Writing!
Here are the guidelines for Slate and Style
They include submission deadlines, contact information, requirements for your bio and cover letter, general information and word counts for genres. Enjoy.
Please read through all the guidelines carefully. Submissions that do not follow these guidelines may not be considered for Slate & Style.
Submission guidelines are as follows:
Length requirements are: articles, 1500 words or less, fiction and memoir/personal essay, 4000 words or less, book reviews, 1000 words or less, poetry, 36 lines or less.
Again, send ALL submissions as email attachments no matter the genre. Include a cover letter along with your submissions with author's name, title of piece(s) and contact info-phone, email and address included. Also include a bio with your submission(s). Your bio should be no more than 150 words. Do not send an entire history, just include key items you feel are important for readers to know. Send as an attachment as well. More than one submission is allowed per email but do list all submissions in the required cover letter.
Send submissions to s-and-s at nfbnet.org
In the subject line of your email, write: Slate & Style submission, your name, and number of submissions. Example: “Slate & Style submission, Myrna Badgerow, 3 submissions”.
Use Microsoft Word or create an RTF document for all submissions. No other formats are accepted, and therefore will not be considered.
Proofread and check your grammar and formatting before submitting.
Slate & Style will consider all submissions for publication. However, please be careful with graphic sexual and violent content as well as language and -religious, anti-gender, anti-racial and anti-homosexual orientation content. Characterization and plot often require this type of material, but it must serve a purpose. Gratuitous material with no purpose or meant only for derogatory reasons, will not be considered. Material will be published according to the discretion of the editing staff.
Please direct questions and comments to the email address listed above for submissions, in your subject line, please include your name and simply write: “QUESTION”. Then write your question in the body of the email.
Shelley, Queen of bells out!
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