[Stylist] SOS: Kindle Create

Miss Thea thearamsay at rogers.com
Wed May 16 04:28:56 UTC 2018

What up, readers and writers?
Has anyone here published with Amazon, and successfully used Kindle Create?
I have a short story, for which I was going to charge 99 cents.
It’s quite funny, about the adventures of a young bottlenose dolphin, inspired by a documentary I watched several times.
But don’t you know, I found a way to publish that doesn’t cost thousands of dollars, only to find the damn Kindle Create is not accessible.
I’ve asked Amazon for help, and all they do is send me step by step instructions. Only I’ve told them I can’t follow the instructions because the program is inaccessible.
And they still don’t get it!! 
Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated.
Lucy fans: I don’t know when the book will be out, but it’s in the final stages of design now.
Soon, you’ll be able to fly with Lucy to Andorpha by means of a print book or an Ebook.
That is, if they make it accessible, which I’ve asked them to do.
But goodness only knows if they will.
After all the hassle, I could use a vacation on Andorpha myself. Ha ha.

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