[Stylist] Projects I am working on

Bill Outman woutman at earthlink.net
Thu May 24 21:22:00 UTC 2018

Good evening, list.  


As I prepare to leave for the weekend to attend the NFB state convention in
Florida, I thought I would discuss a couple writing projects I am working


A few weeks back Shawn Jacobson submitted to the list a draft of his story
"The Man Who Could Only Be Human."  I have been working on a critique and
commentary on it, which is not yet complete.  I hope to finish it shortly
after returning from the state convention.  I like the thrust of it, and it
appeals to me because it plays to topics we are both knowledgable of and
interested in.  


My other project is a story I have begun about tactile graphics that has
about a thousand words of concept already.  It is a field I am interested in
possibly working on bringing to greater fruition.  The main character is a
man named Roy G. Biv, the letters that help us remember the colors of the
rainbow.  Roy has lost his vision, and is working with a researcher who is
involved in developing computer technology that will allow the blind to feel
images displayed on the screen visually.  The researcher's last name is
Mesa, because  the tactile display unit will probably have to be a table top
device, mesa being a word for table in Spanish.  The story also treats
aspect of coping with blindness and some relationship drama.  


That's what I have for today.  


Bill Outman 


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