[Stylist] FW: Hello from The Avocet - Guidelines for the Fall printed issue of The Avocet - Submission Period ends August 31st

llambert at zoominternet.net llambert at zoominternet.net
Thu Aug 1 14:03:28 UTC 2019

Hello to Nature Loving Poets on the List,

I am forwarding a Call for entries that you may be interested in.

This is both a quarterly print magazine, which is very nice - 

And, a weekly e-mail magazine - 

The focus for The Avocet, and The Weekly Avocet is NATURE.

It's a literary magazine that I really enjoy reading and you may as well.

You can enter your poems at no cost - and that's nice too!


Lynda Lambert


From: Charles Portolano <cportolano at hotmail.com> 
Sent: Monday, July 29, 2019 9:58 AM
To: Charles Portolano <cportolano at hotmail.com>
Subject: Hello from The Avocet - Guidelines for the Fall printed issue of
The Avocet - Submission Period ends August 31st


Guidelines for the Fall printed issue of The Avocet

Submission Period - July 1st - August 31st

(In our hands, not postmarked)

Fall-themed issue

The Avocet, a Journal of Nature Poetry

Charles Portolano, Editor/Publisher

P.O. Box 19186

Fountain Hills, AZ  85269

 <mailto:cportolano at hotmail.com> cportolano at hotmail.com

Please read before submitting.


We welcome previously published poems.

     Think of the Season when you send us your work.  We want Fall-themed
poems for the Fall issue, but, of course, there are those universal poems
that transcend the seasons, they are always welcome at any time of the year.
We love poems with animals in them.  Think about the Season and send poems
written about the beginning of a new one and the end of a Season.  In each
issue, we try to present a cubistic view of a season, to display Nature in
all her splendor.

     It is such a great honor to be the Editor/Publisher of The Avocet.  I
love being a poet.  I love knowing if I get an idea, a phrase, or, even a
word, it might bring about a poem, from out of nowhere, there onto the
paper, such great fun.

     I believe the main purpose and focus of my being an Editor is to
promote the best poetry possible in each issue.  I believe Poetry is
everywhere, in everyone.  I believe if everyone wrote poetry we would have a
better, kinder, more caring, planet Earth to live on.  I believe we as poets
belong to a community who has a fiduciary duty to spread the word of poetry.

     I am looking for poetry that moves the reader through the beauty, the
peace, and the fury of Nature in all of its glory.  I love poems that have
people interacting with nature.  I love poems that have animals in their
element.  I love poems that have a message!  I believe the purpose of poetry
is to provoke thought!  


My guidelines are based on my experiences as a poet for over the last 23

5 tips to help get your poetry published.

1.	Never write to "To whom it may concern" or editor or, even worse, no
name at all.  Do your homework and find out the editor's (or editors') name.
Please never send a form letter.  
2.	Always write a friendly few lines to let the editor know you care
about them as people, not just someone who can publish your poetry.  There
are always more poets' poetry than pages to put those poems upon.
3.	You have 5 lines to catch the eye or interest of an editor; make
them engaging, make the editor/reader want to continue reading!
4.	Send a few long (within the guidelines, of course) and a few short
poems.  Never ask an editor to make an exception for your work.  If the line
limit is 38 lines, don't send poems that are longer.  
5.	Always, always, write a Thank you to an editor who is kind enough to
publish your work.  Believe it or not, editors are people, too, who have
feelings and they also have the power to publish or not to publish your
poetry.  It amazes me how few poets do this.  I always write a Thank you,
always.  It is a missed opportunity to have a closer relationship with your
editor when you don't write them.

***** Please know that all submissions to The Avocet will be considered for
the Weekly Avocet, unless we are otherwise told. *****

All poems must be sent by snail-mail to the above address, but you do not
need to send a SASE, if you have an email address.  Please save money by
using just a No. 10 Business envelope.  I will respond to all submissions by
email only.  Please no large envelopes! 

If you do not have an email address, please make sure you send a SASE.


There will be four submissions periods.  (In our hands, not postmarked)

January 1 -  February 28         - Spring-themed issue

April 1 - May 31                    - Summer-themed issue

July 1 - August 31                  - Fall-themed issue

October 1 - November 30      - Winter-themed issue


If you miss the deadline for one of the reading periods your poems will not
be considered for the next reading period!

We welcome previously published poems.

But no simultaneous submissions.

I will not read submissions that aren't addressed to me, Charles.

Only one batch of poems submitted per reading period.

Send no more than four poems.  One poem per page.

No more than 39 lines per poem.  (spaces between stanzas count as lines)

Do not use fancy font, which only confuses the scanner.  

All poems must be left-margin formatted.

Use single spaced lines.  

Do not use all Caps in the title.

Please, please type your name, address and email address underneath each
poem, thank you.


Please, I want a short bio so I can get to know you, the poets, of the
Avocet community better!  I don't care to hear where you have been published
before.  Please tell me of your love of Nature.


**** If you live outside of the USA, you can send your submissions by email.


I welcome previously published poems; if a poem is good enough to get
published once before; it probably deserves to be read again!  Of course,
please do not send poems that have already appeared in the Avocet.


Please notify me of any change of address.  I will not send out another copy
to a new address if you fail to tell me.  Also, we mail by bulk mail, which
will not be forwarded.


So you know: Since we now have a new, shorter format in our Weekly Avocet,
we are going to do Showcases as separate emails, on certain Wednesdays, sent
directly into the homes of all our Weekly Avocet readers, over 260
worldwide.  You get to create your own Showcase of your book.

We are charging $25 for this service for promoting a poet's collection of
poetry with this direct marketing approach to readers who are all
nature-loving, all like-minded thinkers, and who know your work.  And, of
course, you get to forward this Showcase to all those you know.

We would want to have a copy of your book to check out before showing your

All monies go to keeping to our goal of $6 an issue for



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