[Stylist] Event and Writing from Journal Entries_

llambert at zoominternet.net llambert at zoominternet.net
Mon Aug 5 12:07:31 UTC 2019

Good morning to my friends at NFB Writer's Division,


This morning I looked at my  stats for  my 2 blogs - Walking by Inner Vision

I was pleased to see that one of the articles I wrote on my blog, Walking by
Inner Vision,  had the highest amount of visitors.

That article is about writing from our journal entries  - it was at the top
of my list with 175 people visiting that post over the weekend.



On Saturday, I was a presenter  in the Sizzling Summer Super Release Book
Party Event  on FaceBook. One of the topics I addressed in my one-hour
segment is the value of keeping a travel journal.  During my session, I gave
behind the scenes information on how I wrote 3 of my published books. I also
shared 1 poem from each of the books, and gave  a blog link to an article.


In fact, my first published  book, Concerti: Psalms for the Pilgrimage, was
created from my journals which I kept while traveling  and teaching each
summer in Austria, and other countries.  I gave the participants the link to
one of my articles published on my blog, and I gave them a sample of 1 poem
from that book. (I did this for all 3 of the books I have published.)


Here's the link to the Article which was originally published May 24 2014 on
the blog, Walking by Inner Vision.



If you have the opportunity to be a guest on an EVENT on Face Book, you will
really enjoy the experience. This was an event that lasted from noon till
about 11 pm-

And we had so much fun interacting with each other and with the general
public that day.  The event was sponsored by Patty L. Fletcher, author, and
owner of Tell It To The World Marketing.  Patty represents me and a number
of other authors .  This Event which she sponsored was a remarkable feat for
her and for everyone who attended.  Quite a few of the members of this group
either gave a presentation or attended as a guest on Saturday.


But, my basic message here is  - If you have not kept  journals while
traveling, or even just a general sort of journaling, you might want to give
it a try.  Writing from your journal entries may be your passport to some
great writing in the future.  For me, it is a way to note experiences,
ideas, musings, dreams, and-  Who knows? Your journal may be your
inspiration for your next book.


One of my intentions for the rest of this year, and into next year, is to go
through all of my travel journals and read each of them - because I know
there are gems buried in those pages that I can find and turn into writing
projects in the future.  I'll be revising my first book,

Concerti: Psalms for the Pilgrimage, and the revised version  will be
published next year.  I am looking forward to an adventure  when I open the
pages of my journals and see what else is there, just waiting to be





Lynda's Authors Page- Amazon: <https://www.amazon.com/author/lyndalambert>


Lynda's Official Authors Page:  <http://www.dldbooks.com/lyndalambert/>



Lynda's  2 Blogs:

 <http://www.lyndalambert.com/> Website & Blog:  Walking by Inner Vision -
personal blog

 <http://www.llambert363.blog/> Scan-A-Blog - A quiet Place of Inspiration,
Art, Nature, Literature


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