[Stylist] poem published

Jackie jackieleepoet at cox.net
Sun Aug 25 22:28:34 UTC 2019


Congratulations. This is a lovely poem. I envy those who can see the beauty
in the smallest details of nature.


Jacqueline Williams


Clarity is just questioning having eaten its fill.

     Jenny Xie


From: Stylist [mailto:stylist-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Ann
Chiappetta via Stylist
Sent: Saturday, August 24, 2019 9:13 AM
To: 'Writers' Division Mailing List' <stylist at nfbnet.org>
Cc: anniecms64 at gmail.com
Subject: [Stylist] poem published


Hi all,

The below poem was included in The Avocet weekly  issue #351.  I  also saw
Carol Farnsworth's work  gracing the email introducing the issue.
Congratulations, Carol, I  hope you are on this list.


Late Summer Lake

By Ann Chiappetta


Pre-dawn crickets quiet

Hidden in the golden grass, Rich aromas 

Tingle the senses; damp earth

Water and pine envelop me


Waterfowl squabble for cresses and tidbits

Amid the cattails;

Subtle   slap of rigging on sail masts

Like the chime of prayer bells  

Foretell the seasonal shift 

for the denizens of the lake.

Cool breezes at dawn and dusk

Relieve the hot Midday breath until

Shadows stretch languidly

Into evening


Soon the stunted grass and winter sloth will come

The radiance is stored for the spring.






` Making meaningful connections with others through writing `

www.annchiappetta.com <http://www.annchiappetta.com/>  or
www.dldbooks.com/annchiappetta/ <http://www.dldbooks.com/annchiappetta/>  

Blog: www.thought-wheel.com <http://www.thought-wheel.com/> 

Facebook Annie Chiappetta



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