[Stylist] Summer Reading

llambert at zoominternet.net llambert at zoominternet.net
Thu Jul 4 17:07:54 UTC 2019

Dear Readers and Writers,

Happy Fourth  of July to all.  I am taking the day off from my normal
writing schedule to do some weeding in my flower gardens and I set up some
lights that will come on at night to illuminate the beautiful lilies, hosta,
and other blooming plants right now. It will be fun to see them all come on
at dusk every evening.  All of my flower gardens are flourishing after the
months of rain we have received this year. While my gardening’s are bursting
with blossoms, so am I – bursting with the gestation of new life in the form
of my next book.


With the 3rd book coming out very soon, we are just about ready to drop it
on Amazon. I want to do one final look over the final draft – just because I
am obsessive about all the little details.  Star Signs: New & Selected Poems
has over 50 poems in it that span my professional career as a writer,
beginning in the mid-1980s. I included my first published poem at the end of
the book, in the “Meet the Author” section.  I thought it was appropriate to
end the book at the beginning of my publication life. Poems in the book
include ones that I wrote this year, as late as in June, so the book would
be timely  and fresh. By including some very early poems,  I’ve given
readers an inside view of my thoughts, influences in my writing life,
themes, and interests for the past 34 years


I’ve also included  a small collection of my photos – one is placed at the
beginning of each of the book’s 4 sections. And, the cover photography was
done by one of the best photographers in America – I’ll keep that for a
surprise until  the book hits the market in a few more days. The book has
received some powerful endorsements, pre-publication, and I am most grateful
for this support and enthusiasm.


While doing all of the final work on the new book, I took time to allow
SMASHWORDS to include my last book in their month-long Summer Sale – 

Walking by Inner Vision: Stories & Poems, can be ordered from SMASHWORDS for
the month of JULY, at ½ off the e-book price.

That means – for 2 Bucks, you can read my book! Crazy, I know – but  the
comments I get back from readers are just the best – so I am allowing
SMASHWORDS to offer it this month on their Summer Sale.


Other facts about Walking by Inner Vision: Stories & Poems:

__5-star rating on Amazon 

__offered  on Amazon as an Audible Book, Kindle, and print book.

__27 non-fiction essays and stories

__16 poems

Category: non-fiction; inspiration


 SMASHWORDS will let you get the e-book version for only $ 2.00 and I am
delighted to allow them to offer it to you to celebrate summer reading

This price is only available for the month of JULY.


Walking by Inner Vision: Stories & Poems – for the months of JULY ONLY -
$2.00  - 

Your discount will automatically be given to you when you go to purchase the

Here is the direct link to get it at ½ price::



If you read it, then consider leaving a review.

Happy 4th of July – and Happy Summer Reading to all.

Lynda Lambert



Lynda’s Authors Page- Amazon:https://www.amazon.com/author/lyndalambert 


Lynda’s Official Authors Page: http://www.dldbooks.com/lyndalambert/



Lynda’s  2 Blogs:

 <http://www.lyndalambert.com/> Website & Blog:  Walking by Inner Vision –
personal blog

 <http://www.llambert363.blog/> Scan-A-Blog – A quiet Place of Inspiration,
Art, Nature, Literature


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