[Stylist] It's a Book Baby and more

llambert at zoominternet.net llambert at zoominternet.net
Sat Jul 20 20:02:36 UTC 2019

Jackie, I need to ask you to resend it to me. I can't seem to find it right
now - 

I've had a lot of issues to deal with lately - with programs not working and
troubles with my e-mail - freezing up constantly.

Thanks.  I'd love to read it and respond to you. Lynda


From: Stylist <stylist-bounces at nfbnet.org> On Behalf Of Jackie via Stylist
Sent: Saturday, July 20, 2019 3:08 PM
To: 'Writers' Division Mailing List' <stylist at nfbnet.org>
Cc: Jackie <jackieleepoet at cox.net>
Subject: Re: [Stylist] It's a Book Baby and more



Thanks for the info on all of the editing and marketing you have addressed. 

I am in wonderment that you have found one editor that you trust above all
others. Several people have edited portions of my African book and each has
a different set of editorial remarks on all aspects of it.

Did you get my attachment, an excerpt, "Climbing the Ruwenzories , circa

I am interested in your response to it.

I know you are very busy and it is long. Too long to send to this list. But
thought you might be interested in where I could send it. That since you
have pursued publishing in the U.K. Two of my fellow climbers are there, and
the third, in New Zealand.

I have no doubt you will meet your goals as planned.

Much affection,


Jacqueline Williams


Clarity is just questioning having eaten its fill.

     Jenny Xie


From: Stylist [mailto:stylist-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Linda Lambert
via Stylist
Sent: Friday, July 19, 2019 9:02 AM
To: 'Writers' Division Mailing List' <stylist at nfbnet.org
<mailto:stylist at nfbnet.org> >
Cc: llambert at zoominternet.net <mailto:llambert at zoominternet.net> 
Subject: Re: [Stylist] It's a Book Baby!


Hi Jackie,

I apologize for not getting back to you sooner. I've been so pre-occupied
and single-focused on getting this book out.  Everything else has been on
the back burner.

Yes, I did receive your information a while ago. Thank you!


I am one who thrives on change and pivots - so you can imagine that right up
to the final hour before publication,  my editor and I made changes! I am
thankful for such an editor who moves as fast as I do.  And, she is able to
edit in several languages, and I need that expertise she brings to the


It is not perfectionism, which I am not at all a perfectionist. 

But I am one who seeks  excellence in every aspect of my life - and that
means, doing the very best of which I am capable and never settling for
less.  So, at last, the book-baby  is up and out there and being read now -
and I am getting so many comments already and it is only out now for the
past 5 days. 


Right now, I am deep into the promo activities and interviews - first one
will be published on the 24th. I'll be sure to share that with the group.

But mostly, I am outside working in my flower gardens and enjoying the
summer sunshine. Shortly, I'll be involved with Finishing Line Press as they
begin to work on my Chapbook  and getting it ready for publication in
January.  I plan to NOT work on my next book till after the FLP Chapbook is
completed.  I do have the next book outlined, and that will wait until after
the first of the year before I return to it.

Thank you for the kind comments on the Amazon presentation.

I think the quote you  noted is the piece by Wes Sims, my poet friend in KY
who wrote it for the book.

Yes, I liked that imagery too. 





From: Stylist <stylist-bounces at nfbnet.org
<mailto:stylist-bounces at nfbnet.org> > On Behalf Of Jackie via Stylist
Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2019 7:21 PM
To: 'Writers' Division Mailing List' <stylist at nfbnet.org
<mailto:stylist at nfbnet.org> >
Cc: Jackie <jackieleepoet at cox.net <mailto:jackieleepoet at cox.net> >
Subject: Re: [Stylist] It's a Book Baby!



The description of your book on Amazon was absolutely beautiful. The way it
explained the organization, and how it is compared to a beautiful necklace,
was a poet's description of the book. Did you write it?

Congratulations on your three year "pregnancy" and its fruition.


Jacqueline Williams


Clarity is just questioning having eaten its fill.

     Jenny Xie


From: Stylist [mailto:stylist-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Linda Lambert
via Stylist
Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2019 5:34 AM
To: 'Writers' Division Mailing List' <stylist at nfbnet.org
<mailto:stylist at nfbnet.org> >
Cc: llambert at zoominternet.net <mailto:llambert at zoominternet.net> 
Subject: Re: [Stylist] It's a Book Baby!


Mornin' writers,

I am writing to let you know my third book went live on Amazon last night.

Star Signs: New & Selected Poems, features 53 poems and 145 pages.

Poems in this new book span a period of my publications from 1985 to the

I carefully selected the poems from my archives - divided them into 4
sections or themes in the book.

You can see the book cover and read the description  - the book also
features a selection of photos - one at the beginning of each section.

I worked on this book for the past 3 years, so I feel like I just delivered
a long-awaited baby. Relieved and happy.

Here is the link to the new book:


My best, Lynda Lambert



Lynda's Authors Page- Amazon:https://www.amazon.com/author/lyndalambert 


Lynda's Official Authors Page: http://www.dldbooks.com/lyndalambert/



Lynda's  2 Blogs:

Website  <http://www.lyndalambert.com/> & Blog:  Walking by Inner Vision -
personal blog

Scan-A-Blog <http://www.llambert363.blog/>  - A quiet Place of Inspiration,
Art, Nature, Literature


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