[Stylist] Interview is now live -

llambert at zoominternet.net llambert at zoominternet.net
Sun Jul 28 17:13:18 UTC 2019

Can you believe that July is on it's way out the door?

My months have been flowing by so quickly I barely get my balance, and a new
one pops up.


Recently, I was asked by Janice Spina, to do an interview with her for her
blog.  I agreed, and this was the results from our conversation about
writing and life in general.   She wanted to release the interview as soon
as my book was launched, and so she held off till last week - so she could
be first in line to make the announcement and do the interview.  


You may find it here:



meanwhile, I am having problems with my one blog - I am locked out of
Walking by Inner Vision the past 2 days. I am hoping the woman who hosts my
blog on her server can get it fixed.   This has happened before a few times
- and well, it does give me a break for a bit, but I'd really rather be


It won't be long until I get  to begin  working with Finishing Line Press as
they are publishing  my first chapbook, first snow, which will come out in
the pre-sales in September and the  official publication date will be in
January.  So, for this moment, I can work in my flower beds and play with my
dogs and cats, and have some time-off from my schedule.  I love it all!
After I signed with FLP, I had another good offer from a different publisher
who wanted it - but maybe, next time.  I was very pleased that 2 publishers
wanted to have my first chapbook - so I am certain there will be more coming
in the future. 


Thanks and enjoy your day, wherever you are.




Lynda's Authors Page- Amazon:https://www.amazon.com/author/lyndalambert 


Lynda's Official Authors Page: http://www.dldbooks.com/lyndalambert/



Lynda's  2 Blogs:

 <http://www.lyndalambert.com/> Website & Blog:  Walking by Inner Vision -
personal blog

 <http://www.llambert363.blog/> Scan-A-Blog - A quiet Place of Inspiration,
Art, Nature, Literature


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