[Stylist] February is the Month of Love and GIFTS

Jacobson, Shawn D Shawn.D.Jacobson at hud.gov
Mon Feb 3 13:43:24 UTC 2020


That is one impressive life story.  Thank you for sharing.


From: Stylist <stylist-bounces at nfbnet.org> On Behalf Of Linda Lambert via Stylist
Sent: Saturday, February 01, 2020 12:36 PM
To: 'Writers' Division Mailing List' <stylist at nfbnet.org>
Cc: llambert at zoominternet.net
Subject: Re: [Stylist] February is the Month of Love and GIFTS

Greetings on the first day of February, 2020.
My ONE WORD for 2020 is GIFTS.
Each year, I get the WORD that comes to me for the new year. This is my 6th year to do this.
It has brought amazing blessings into my life. In turn, I've been able to GIFT so much to others as I see the needs for a variety of things I can do for them.

Each year the word I chose creates new opportunities in my personal and professional life. It's been  one of the  best things I've done in the past 6 years.

As for this year's word - GIFTS - the year began with unexpected gifts and they continue on nearly every day.
I do my best to somehow  give someone in my life a GIFT - a compliment, a kindness,  physical or spiritual help if I see that help is needed, and cooperation and affirmation of those around me.  I am really enjoying what I see happening to all those I am in contact with - I see people helping one another, people getting great ideas to share with others, people serving others, and lots more.  As a professor at Geneva College, our mandate was to teach our students about being a Servant Leader, by modelling this lifestyle in all we do. I continue to follow this mandate into my retirement years.    It is a way of life.

I am GIVING lots of GIFTS  and also getting lots of  GIFTS -  this is  the GOLDEN RULE.
I started the new year by becoming a LIFE MEMBER in the Alumni Association of West Virginia University. I've wanted to do this for a long time - a vow I made when I was working on my MFA there. I've never taken my wonderful education for granted.
While raising my 5 children, and working 2 and sometimes 3 jobs,  I spent 12 years of my adult life working on my degrees. It is worth every sacrifice you  make and this is a GIFT that keeps on GIVING to you  for your life, and beyond. I will always return to my universities what was given to me -the opportunity to study and prepare for a life of learning and giving to others.
I deeply appreciate the universities where I earned my 3 degrees.  I've supported them with financial gifts ever since I left them - and will continue to do so.

Today I was writing my 293  blog  post on Walking by Inner Vision. I notice that since I started writing and  publishing this blog in December 2009.
I was delighted to see that 17,290 visitors have dropped in to read my articles.  That is certainly a GIFT! I am most grateful for each visitor.

You can visit, too, and  if you like my page, you can also subscribe.
 The subscription portion is on the right side of my page. It is very easy to use.

As I begin the Month of February, I am mindful of the GIFTS  we all have in our life.
As writers, we have the ability to do so much.


My Books
first snow, chapbook<https://www.finishinglinepress.com/product/first-snow-by-lynda-mckinney-lambert/>

Star Signs: New and Selected Poems<https://www.amazon.com/Star-Signs-New-Selected-Poems/dp/1075265436/ref=sr_1_2?keywords=Lynda+McKinney+Lambert&qid=1570213785&s=books&sr=1-2>

Walking by Inner Vision: Stories & Poems<https://www.amazon.com/Walking-Inner-Vision-Stories-Poems/dp/B07S45ZY39/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=Lynda+McKinney+Lambert&qid=1570213669&s=books&sr=1-1>

Concerti: Psalms for the Pilgrimage<https://www.amazon.com/Concerti-Psalms-Pilgrimage-Lynda-Lambert/dp/1929359187/ref=sr_1_6?keywords=Lynda+Lambert&qid=1570213942&s=books&sr=1-6>

E-books on Smashwords<Smashwords%20-%20get%20my%20e-book:%20%20https:/www.smashwords.com/profile/view/lyndalambert>

Social Media
Lynda's Author Page at Amazon<https://www.amazon.com/author/lyndalambert>
Lynda's Page at DLD Books<http://www.dldbooks.com/lyndalambert/>
Lynda's Website & Blog<htttp://www.lyndalambert.com/>

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