[Stylist] Notice of NFB Writers Division Telephone Gathering January 26

Shelley Alongi alongi.shelley at gmail.com
Sat Jan 18 01:18:50 UTC 2020

Hello Hello Everyone,

2020 is here! Happy New Year from the Writers’ Division! It is time once again to begin the monthly telephone gathering. The next gathering will be on Sunday January 26 at 5:00 PM pacific, 6:00 PM mountain, 7:00 PM central and 8:00 PM eastern. January’s gathering will focus on national convention in Houston July 14-19 2020. Every year someone on Stylist asks if we will have a meeting at national. The answer this yer is yes. Our board has come up with some great ideas for both seminar and division day this year. In addition to an informational session, you can come join the division for 2020/21. Come meet your leaders and think of becoming one! We need future leadership so think of how you might like to be involved with helping the division revitalize. revitalize. To that end, the board has come up with some great ideas for seminar and division day. We would like you to let us know what your ideas for the national meeting might be. Please join us as we discuss our future and help solidify plans for the 2020 convention meetings. If you can’t be with us we will record the call so you can listen in at a future time. Also feel free to email with ideas. We want an invested membership. Remember when you come to Houston you can pay dues and join and help bring us into the future. 

To join our call, dial (605)313-5607 and enter the access code 330803 followed by the pound sign. Our call will last one hour. We will see you on the phone!

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