[Stylist] Methods for writing

anniecms64 at gmail.com anniecms64 at gmail.com
Sat Nov 7 02:20:32 UTC 2020

Hi Vejas,
My computer is password protected as well as my cloud account. I suppose a
super-hacker could come along and take whatever they want in terms of the
cloud, but my writing probably wouldn't  get the big bucks.  I am more
concerned with backing up my work in case my pc is lost, damaged or stolen.
I have a carbonite account for this.

Ann Chiappetta, Author
Anniecms64 at gmail.com
` Making meaningful connections with others through writing `

www.annchiappetta.com Facebook Annie Chiappetta
"We must let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the one that is
waiting for us." 
*  Joseph Campbell

-----Original Message-----
From: Stylist <stylist-bounces at nfbnet.org> On Behalf Of Vejas Vasiliauskas
via Stylist
Sent: Friday, November 6, 2020 9:07 PM
To: stylist at nfbnet.org
Cc: Vejas Vasiliauskas <alpineimagination at gmail.com>
Subject: [Stylist] Methods for writing

I hope you are all doing well. I have a question for this listserv in
I've written pretty much all my stories on my Braillenote, starting with the
classic Braillenote BT when I was 8, and now the Apex. I like how the
braillenote's word processor responds easily to quick typing. As an added
bonus, the documents are in KWB (keyword Braille) format, and are only
readable to most people if I save them in a more standard format such as
Microsoft Word, so I have always appreciated the privacy this has given me. 
I will probably soon be "graduating" to the Braille Sense Polaris. The word
processor on it seems pretty good, but I wanted to ask you all which devices
you use to write, and also which applications you find work best. I have
tried Pages on the iPhone, which is decent but not always as quick as I
would like. 
As an added question, how do you ensure your writing is private before you
feel ready to give others access? 
Thank you so much, 
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