[Stylist] Poem created from a journal entry -

llambert at zoominternet.net llambert at zoominternet.net
Thu Oct 1 17:07:52 UTC 2020

Dear writer friends,

Today while the men are at work laying the tile in the dining room floor, I
am working in my office which is not far from the workers.

I am sifting through years of journals and reading entries I made each
summer when I was teaching and living in Europe.

This really gives me new insight on those days as I am working to create the
revised version of my first book.

I wrote Concerti: Psalms from the Pilgrimage, from writings I created and
the back stories are in my journals.  Right now, I am working on the newly
revised draft.

My goal is to have it ready to send out in December. 


I am sharing a poem  written from my journal entries on July 21, 1999.  This
prose poem appeared in the book, published in January 2003 by Kota Press.

I included this poem in my book, Walking by Inner Vision: Stories & Poems,
DLD books, 2017.

Each time I read the poem, I am standing in the gallery viewing the painting
that inspired the poem. 


I've posted it below for your enjoyment on the first day of October , 2020.



*****Journal Entry: July 21, 1999 *****


"Notes from the Baroque Museum" prose poem.


Antonio Pellegrini (1675-1741)


The format of this picture is a square with corners painted brown.  This
leaves an undulating cross shape in the center where the action of the
painting takes place.


There is a rather narrow gold frame and the inside edges are fluted like
gentle waves all around the picture's edges.


Two white horses crisscross.  One flies over and behind the other.

Two other horses, one tan and one brown, fall towards the bottom left


It is only now I realize the four horses were pulling a chariot and there
has been an accident!

The chariot is overturned and the charioteer falls toward the bottom right
corner - his bent leg indicates he will not fall freely through the sky but
his body will be stopped with a


because he is caught on the chariot.


A being with wings hovers above the chaos - like a large gray goose.  On the
back of the goose rides a white bearded man.  His right arm is high above
his head and he leans toward the chariot wreck.  The actions all take place
in the heavens amid pink and tan clouds that float in a diagonal from the
bottom left to the top right.  The sky is a heavy cobalt blue and it casts
the white horses forward towards me.


There seems to be a fire in the sky, which sears the mane of the brown horse
as he falls toward me and I stand here watching the sky and the fire, and
the events that are taking place in the picture frame.


I am helpless!



Lynda McKinney Lambert - Author/Artist



*	I am the keeper of memories. I distil and share them  through  art
and writing.
*	I reveal what is forgotten, lost, or unseen.
*	I write  spare poems and thoughtful personal essays.
*	I create art with  brilliant colors &  precious materials, one
stitch at a time.



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