[Stylist] My First Poem

ckuell at comcast.net ckuell at comcast.net
Tue May 31 16:21:00 UTC 2022

Hey Rick,


This is pretty dark, which I’m sure was your intention. It has a very gothic feel, although the gendered roles line makes me think it’s meant to be more contemporary—or perhaps, things are much the same as they were long ago?

With the chorus, I’m not so sure this works as a poem, but certainly makes me think of song lyrics. I can’t say I understand the forgiveness/redemption that you mentioned, although I’m not familiar with the words in the last line. I’m also a little puzzled by the headless woman having eyes that illume, but perhaps that’s artistic freedom.


I don’t have more to offer—perhaps the poets will. I’d be curious to hear the lyrics put to music, and I think that’s a good sign.



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