[Stylist] Membership in the Writers’ Division for 2024

Shelley Alongi alongi.shelley at gmail.com
Fri Jan 26 01:47:38 UTC 2024

Good evening Writers,

You may be aware that the National Federation Of The Blind has enacted a new policy for membership dues. Our new fiscal year now begins January 1 and ends December 31. Having said that, I am here to encourage  you  to join us for the year 2024.  If you have not been a member for a while or need to renew your membership to please do so by January 31 by going to the nfb Writers Division website and clicking on the PayPal link. I am doing this because your treasurer is traveling and so I get to ask for money. :-) The dues is still $10 for one year and you can pay it by going to the Division website which is writers.nfb.org. When you pay your dues, you will receive email updates to your personal inbox and you will receive our quarterly magazine slate and style. We hope you will join us for 2024. now if I could ask for one more favor. When you pay your dues, please email at  Queenofbells at outlook.com the state in which you live. This is required in order to add you to the Writers Division online membership list. Also answer a few questions so that our records may be more complete. Are you a blind parent? do you have a blind child if you are a blind parent? Are you a blindness professional? If you are a blindness, professional, please let me know if you are a teacher of blind students or work in the rehab  field. 

Please let me know if you have any questions and I’ll be happy to answer them. Happy Writing :-) 
Shelley, Queen of Bells Out!
President, NFB Writers’ Division 
Editor Slate and Style 
See my self published books at Apple Books, Amazon and Barns and Noble 

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