<html><head><meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"></head><body dir="auto"><div dir="ltr"><div><h1>Announcement of NFB Writers' Division Telephone Gathering</h1></div>
<div>Sunday October 27 2019 </div>
<div>Phone: (605-313-5637</div>
<div>access code: 330803 followed by the pound sign </div>
<div>web site: writers.nfb.org </div>
<div>Twitter: @nfbwd</div>
<div>Good afternoon everyone,</div>
<div>With the fall season pretending to approach, it might be time to cultivate your hygge. What? Your sense of comfrt and cozy good-feel might be wrapped up in comforting blankets and cold winter nights and hot chocolate, snuggled up somewhere with something or someone or just yourself catching the rays of a good book, a favorite movie. I use my burgundy thick microfleece blanket to create such comforts especially if the book is good or the movie such as in the case of today is nostalgic, or the day is quiet. As we pull on the extra blankets and then kick them off again as the temperature warms in a last desperate attempt at summer, it is time for the last Writers' Division telephone conference of 2019. Yes, that's right. After our Sunday October 27 call, we will take a break till January 26, 2020. That probably sounds a long way off, especially with the thermometer hovering between 34 and 85 all in one weekend. Don't worry, January will be here before you know it. </div>
<div>So, for October, what words are inspiring your imagination? Would it be hygge, per chance? Do you have a silly word, a serious word, one you can hardly spell or pronounce? We can be spontaneous and experimental: some might say phrenetic. Crutch words, clutch words, everyone has one. You might have a favorite author who has one. Do tell! </div>
<div>Did you ever think of words? The next time your audio book gets boring listen for some bright spots in the endless procession of words. Keep your fingers, eyes and ears out for words that inspire your passions, relax you, or just simply can't be forgotten. </div>
<div> You can share your word. You can bring something to read that shows off your word. So, be a wordsmith, a veritable word genuflector. Word pictures, word sallads, words and language are part of the fun of writing. Did I say "fun?" I did. So come prepared to wow us with your words. </div>
<div>Our call will take place on Sunday October 27 at 8:00 Pm eastern, 7:00 PM central, 6:00 PM mountain and 5:00 PM Pacific time. To join our call, please dial (605)313-5637. Our access code is 330803 followed by the pound sign. Our call will last one hour. </div>
<div>Because of the wordy nature this call will be recorded. </div>
<div>See you on the phone! Keep dreaming! </div>
</div><br><br><div dir="ltr">Sent from my iPhone</div></body></html>