[Tabs] Fundraising clarification

Domonique Lawless dlawless86 at gmail.com
Tue Apr 28 04:34:03 UTC 2009

Hi Guys,
	Sorry if I wasn’t clear when I wrote my last e-mail.  We are calling
restaurants to inquire as to whether or not they would be interested
in partnering with the Tennessee Association of Blind Students for a
fundraiser. This fundraiser would hopefully be a night where a
percentage of the profits would go to TABS to help raise money for
National Convention. You might want to further explain that National
Convention is where the National Federation of the Blind, the parent
organization of the Tennessee Association of Blind Students meets as a
whole for a series of seminars which lasts a week. You might want to
tell them about TABS. An example description might be, The Tennessee
Association of Blind Students is an organization that deals with
legislative and advocacy matters pertaining to blind students. TABS
are also a group where blind students can   teach each other new
skills act as a support system and make new friends.
            When you are calling, ask if they have a night that would
work for them that is before July. Let me know if I need any help.
Also, feel free to call me or give the managers of the restaurants my
phone number which is 615-904-4225.

Happy Calling!

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