[Tall-Corn] Adopt-A-Family

Kathryn Olsen president.iabs at gmail.com
Wed Nov 15 18:02:10 UTC 2017

Dear Federation Family,

I am excited to announce that the Des Moines chapter has decided to adopt a
family this Christmas. We see this as a very special way to show our love
to those in need during the holidays and to give back. Thank you for your
kindness and consideration to help this family have a special Christmas
they will never forget.

The family we have chosen to adopt is already very dear to my heart. I have
had the privilege to visit them three times now and they already feel like
family to me. They lived in Tanzania until about a year ago. They were in
New Mexico but were really struggling to find jobs and a stable home so
they moved to Iowa about four months ago. They are secondary refugees
therefore, not entitled to some of the community supports that other
refugees receive. The family consists of a mother, father, and six kids
ranging from ages 2-15.  The father works full time to support the family
of eight and the mother stays at home to make sure the children’s needs are
being cared for. So far I have only had very positive interactions with
this family and they are so very loving and appreciative.

*Ways you can help:*

·       Prayers: You can help by keeping this family in your prayers during
this holiday season. Praying for safety, warmth, love, and hope.

·       Purchasing a gift: I have included a link below that contains a
spreadsheet with gift ideas and requests from the family. I am asking that
if you purchase something on the list, you write your name in the column
labeled “Your Name”. I left three columns for names in case multiple people
want to buy the same item. (For example, two people buying a shirt for

·       Money donations: If you are not a fan of shopping or if you don’t
think you will have time to purchase a gift, we will also be collecting
money donations. We ask that you make your checks out to the National
Federation of the Blind of Iowa if you would like a tax receipt and if not,
please send all cash or checks to the Des Moines chapter.

·       Wrapping Supplies: Since all gifts will be collected unwrapped, we
would appreciate wrapping supplies. Be sure the papers are age appropriate.


*Important Details:*

·       All gifts need to be delivered to me by December 9th. You can bring
them to the Des Moines chapter Christmas party on the 9th or mail them to
my house. (Contact me for my address).

·       Please do not wrap the gifts.

·       If you are buying gifts, please get a gift receipt if possible.
Especially for clothing items.

We hope you will join the Des Moines chapter as we celebrate this season of
giving. Please reach out with any questions.

 Christmas Adopt a Family.xlsx
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