[Tall-Corn] Caucuses

cindyray at gmail.com cindyray at gmail.com
Sat Jan 25 14:51:31 UTC 2020

This year the Democratic Caucuses have a form for reasonable accommodations.
It isn't maybe the greatest, but if we find a good way to take advantage of
it and then later make suggestions, it would be a good idea I think.

You go to thecaucuses.org. There is a link there that goes to the reasonable
accommodation form. The form is easily filled out, but Monday, January 27,
is their deadline for completion. You will receive confirmation of their
receipt of your form and some more information. The first message is an
automated E-mail, but you will get a real message from them later.

The form does not cause you to be called out because of your disability at
the caucus. The temporary chairs are notified of the kinds of needs that
must be met at their caucuses. Some may have an accessibility table, some
maybe not, but when you get there you can notify them that you have
requested the accommodation. If you are needing a chair, they suggest you
might want to haul one with you because people often take the chairs that
have been designated. They also claim that there is a relatively good honor
system in place for the chairs. I did not indicate a need for a chair and am
good with not having one.

I think there are some gaps in this procedure, but maybe not. Anyway, if you
want accommodations at the Dem caucuses, you need to fill out the form no
later than January 27. I personally requested help with filling out forms. I
am looking forward to discovering how this works. They sincerely want to do
the right thing I think.

I posted this to both of our lists because I thought then it would reach
everybody who is on them and chooses to read them, so I am sorry for the
duplication, but it seemed to be the right way at the time.


Cindy Lou Ray


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