[Tall-Corn] Governor Signs State Election Law Change

Wade Hemmelrick cheeriosandv8 at gmail.com
Wed Jun 9 15:00:36 UTC 2021

Reminds me of the May Braille Monitor story (See second link below.)
about voting in Colorado.--Wade

If astronauts can vote from outer space and overseas military
personnel can also cast their ballots, there is absolutely no reason
whatsoever to deny blind and disabled voters equal, accessible, and
private voting rights and responsibilities. Depending on somebody else
is not always private and fair exercise of one's own freedoms.
Printing out a ballot or application is not always accessible and
private either. Here's hoping, as challenging as this might be, blind
voters in Colorado, Iowa, and every other state in the Union can
honestly say they could vote in terms of equality and dignity with the
sighted political world. Rant over. Thank you.

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