[Tall-Corn] Friends Contact Information

Jim Rechkemmer j.rechkemmer at mchsi.com
Thu Oct 7 17:07:21 UTC 2021

During the NFBI State Convention, I promised to  send the Friends contact
information on the Tall Corn  List. I encourage you to check out our website
to see what Friends is all about.   


Mailing Address:


Friends of the Iowa Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped

PO Box 93046

Des Moines, IA 50393-3046


Website:  www.iafriendslibraryfortheblind.org


e-mail:  frndslibblindph at gmail.com <mailto:frndslibblindph at gmail.com> 


  Should you want additional information about Friends, you may contact me
at j.rechkemmer at mchsi.com <mailto:j.rechkemmer at mchsi.com> ,  (515) 277-3808
or Dave Hammel at dhammelia at aol.com <mailto:dhammelia at aol.com> , (515)


If you are not already a member of Friends, please consider joining Friends.
A basic membership is $20 for adults and $10 for students.



Jim Rechkemmer, President

Friends of the Iowa Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped



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