bray at nfbi.org bray at nfbi.org
Sat Dec 9 23:31:59 UTC 2023

Greetings Federation Family:


We are about to embark on another legislative season and this one has much
promise for us. The two pieces of legislation that we are trying to get
passed this year are as We have described earlier a mobile voting bill which
will provide the blind of Iowa another way to vote securely and privately.
We also have the accessible prescriptions bill which is currently being
drafted for consideration this year. So far the only legislators that have
stepped up and said they wish to see either of these bills pass are
Democrats. Yes, of course we appreciate them for standing up for the rights
of blind people. Yes, we do need their help to get these both passed. The
more legislators that will sponsor and support these bills the better. Here
is the big one. We have been told that is most likely unless we can get a
Republican to actually introduce our bills our chances of success are very
limited. If your Representative or Senator are Republican, and if they are
willing to talk to you please contact them immediately  and ask them to
help. We are contacting legislators on both sides of the aisle for both
bills. Most Legislators however, are more willing to listen to a constituent
than they are anyone else. We need your help. 


Another way that you may help is talk to your friends and neighbors to see
if any of them have friends in the Iowa Legislature. Ask them to talk to
those legislators and ask them to help with these much needed bills.


If the answer to either of these questions is "yes" lease help put us in
touch with these legislators.


We need your help and right now is the time to do it. It is urgent that we
get things moving immediately if we are going to get these passed this year.
Below is the contact information for the legislative committee of the NFBI
and we are waiting to hear from you. Thank you for your prompt help on these


Bob Ray, Legislative Chair, NFB of IOWA

Email: bray at nfbi.org <mailto:bray at nfbi.org> 

Phone. 515 334-7231


Mary L. McGee

Address: 201 Locust, #341, 

          Des Moines, IA, 50309

Phone:  515 280-1281

EMIAL: mmcatitude at gmail.com <mailto:mmcatitude at gmail.com> 

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