[Tall-Corn] Fwd: SSB 1123 Division XIII (13)

Sara Coleman scolemae at gmail.com
Fri Feb 10 19:07:47 UTC 2023

I received this response from the Ranking Member of the Senate State Government Committee, Tony Bisignano. 

My thanks to Enrique for the letter template I adapted for my letter. 


Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

> From: "Bisignano, Tony [LEGIS]" <Tony.Bisignano at legis.iowa.gov>
> Date: February 9, 2023 at 7:01:51 PM CST
> To: Sara Coleman <scolemae at gmail.com>
> Subject: Re: SSB 1123 Division XIII (13)
> I agree with you. I will do what I can to stop this move.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Feb 9, 2023, at 4:32 PM, Sara Coleman <scolemae at gmail.com> wrote:
> To the Honorable  Tony Bsignano, Ranking Member, Senate State Government Committee,
> My name is Sara Coleman and I am a registered voter who happens to be a deafblind Iowan.
> I strongly oppose SSB 1123 Division XIII (13) as it will negatively impact the services provided to blind Iowans. The removal of hiring authority from the Iowa Commission for the Blind, especially in choosing the department's director will unnecessarily politicize the directorship and erode the quality of services.
> The Iowa Department for the Blind has a long history of providing exceptional services to blind Iowans since 1925. For the past 65 years, the agency has been led by mostly blind leaders who serve as positive role models. The leadership of blind directors and blind members of the Iowa Commission for the Blind is a model for rehabilitation agencies serving the blind across the U.S.
> To ensure the continued success of the agency and to better serve blind Iowans, it is imperative to maintain its independence and be led by individuals who understand the real challenges of blindness. The mission to lift up blind Iowans to live independently means it is vital to have leadership that truly comprehends what it means to be blind.
> As an Iowan who has been the recipient of Department of the Blind services, I can attest to the life changing work the Agency accomplishes every day. I am happy to discuss my experience and reasoning for maintaining the independence of the Iowa Commission for the Blind with its current governmental structure.
> I respectfully ask that SSB 1123 Division XIII (13) be stricken from the bill.
> Sincerely,
> Sara B. Coleman
> Norwalk, IA
> 515-240-8257
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