[Tall-Corn] FW: SB1123

tpoldberg at gmail.com tpoldberg at gmail.com
Mon Feb 20 20:50:35 UTC 2023

-----Original Message-----
From: Bisignano, Tony [LEGIS] <Tony.Bisignano at legis.iowa.gov> 
Sent: Monday, February 20, 2023 12:03 PM
To: tpoldberg at gmail.com
Subject: Re: SB1123


Thank you for reaching out. I appreciate you taking the time to let me know your opinions on Division 13.

Tony Bisignano
State Senator – District 15
Sign Up For My Newsletter<https://www.senate.iowa.gov/senator/bisignano/#newsletter-signup>

From: "tpoldberg at gmail.com" <tpoldberg at gmail.com>
Date: Monday, February 20, 2023 at 11:24 AM
To: "Bisignano, Tony [LEGIS]" <Tony.Bisignano at legis.iowa.gov>
Subject: SB1123

Greetings Senator Bisignano:

I am writing to urge you to oppose Division 13 of this bill pertaining to the appointment of the Iowa Department for the Blind director.  It is imperative that the appointment of the director of the Iowa Department for the Blind should be made by the commission board and not by the governor.  Should the appointment of the director be made by the governor and not by the commission board, services could be negatively affected.  The governor could appoint someone who has no real understanding of blindness or the needs of the blind.  On the other hand, a director appointed by the board would have more of an understanding of the needs of the blind.  The Iowa Department for the Blind has existed since 1925 and over the years has provided exemplary services to blind Iowans working under the current structure.

I personally have greatly benefited from services from the Iowa Department for the Blind first as a student in 1969-70 and as a client.  I believe that my time spent as a student in the Department’s orientation center was one of the greatest experiences of my life!

Thank you for your consideration of this important matter.


Sandra  Poldberg

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