[Tall-Corn] Sad news from the National Federation of the Blind of Iowa

Richard nf5b at mediacombb.net
Fri Jan 27 02:56:19 UTC 2023

Greetings colleagues,

I first met Joe in 1975 while a student at the orientation center in 1975. 
I ended up working for Joe as a BEP trainee briefly later that year, and 
again worked with him as an employee managing his facility for him while 
he vacationed in the early '90's.

During the 80's and 90's I worked with 
him quite a lot on legislative matters with the NFB.

I still recall a day back in the late 1980's at the very tag end of the 
legislative session.  I had plans to spend a day at the lake with 
bandmates and families enjoying some picnicking and just having a good 
time on the water.  Joe called and asked me to go up to the Capitol to 
help with last ditch advocacy to state Senators to get the commission for 
the blind again solely responsible for our agency.

The center and all 
blindness programs had been rolled into an umbrella agency, and we needed 
to once again get them separated out.

OF course, when Joe called, I shelved my plans for the day, changed from 
casual clothing suitable for fishing and having a relaxing day on the 
water to business suitable attire and headed for the capitol.  I arrived 
home after midnight on Sunday morning to get maybe two hours sleep then 
rose again to deliver about 250 newspapers.

That was the sort of leader JOe was.  You knew he'd be there standing 
shoulder to shoulder with you no matter what it took, so when he called 
and asked you couldn't refuse him.

I spent some fine evenings and holidays with Joe and Laura at their home 
as well.



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