[Tall-Corn] Photos for Affiliate Brochure.

Richard nf5b at mediacombb.net
Sat Jun 3 18:52:32 UTC 2023

Hello Mary,

On Sat, 3 Jun 2023, Mary McGee via Tall-Corn wrote:

> Hello All You Thrill Seekers and Fun Devils!
>               I’m making headway on the Affiliate brochure we will be using
> to solicit memorials by placing them in funeral homes.  I have photos from
> the Des Moines Chapter, I have a sample brochure from Dave that the Friends
> of the Library have, and I have sufficient info from National to write a
> good summary of our cause.  What I need are three to five pictures from each
> Chapter outside of Des Moines.  I’ll select one from each, if possible, so
> we can illustrate what we do in the Affiliate.  Please get something to me
> ASAP.  Thanks much!

Only thing i could ocme up with was that p;ic I sent you from my gmail of 
myself in the radio room at LSU medical center NEw Orleans during 
Otherwise, for some strange reason <grin> I don't have many pictures of 
me on my electronic devices or saved anywhere, digital or analog.
I might have a digital pic of me playing an electronic piano at a gig in 
Florida back around 2014 or '15.  I'd have to look.

I remember taking some at that meet the public educational event we did 
at the hospital lake back in  '14 or '15 as well, but I shared them with 
our then chapter secretary, and a couple of other chapter officers at the 
time.  They lsipped through without my backing them up anywhere.  <oops>

Best I could do for right now.



P.S. will try to get someone to snap me operating at ARRL field day this 
year or something similar.

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