[Tall-Corn] FW: [OAGDU] Reminder: OAGDU's Honey Baked Ham fundraiser

Scott Van Gorp svangorp at nfbi.org
Fri Oct 20 03:01:06 UTC 2023

I’ve been asked to pass on the following. This might be a way for someone to take care of holiday dinners!



Scott Van Gorp, President
National Federation of the Blind of Iowa
Phone: 515-720-5282
 <mailto:svangorp at nfbi.org> Email

 <http://www.nfbi.org/> Website 
 <https://www.facebook.com/National-Federation-Of-the-Blind-Of-Iowa-372681823082570/posts> Facebook 
 <https://twitter.com/nfb_iowa> Twitter 
Live the life you want.

The National Federation of the Blind of Iowa is a community of members and friends who believe in the hopes and dreams of the nation’s blind. Every day we work together to help blind people live the lives they want.


From: Shane Popplestone <spopplestone.nfb at gmail.com> 
Sent: Sunday, October 15, 2023 6:12 PM
To: Chelsea Van Gorp <cvangorp at nfbi.org>; Scott Van Gorp <svangorp at nfbi.org>
Subject: Fw: [OAGDU] Reminder: OAGDU's Honey Baked Ham fundraiser


Can you pass the below to talk  corn for me?

I'm trying to get this out of state exposure.

Shane Popplestone

President of the Ohio Association of blind students

Co-chair of the ohio newsline committee

member of the Grater Akron Chapter

member of Ohio Association of Guide Dog users

spopplestone.nfb at gmail.com <mailto:spopplestone.nfb at gmail.com> 


You can live the life you want!



------ Forwarded Message ------

>From "Deanna Lewis via OAGDU" <oagdu at nfbnet.org <mailto:oagdu at nfbnet.org> >

To "Ohio Association of Guide Dog Users List" <oagdu at nfbnet.org <mailto:oagdu at nfbnet.org> >

Cc "Deanna Lewis" <deannakay03 at gmail.com <mailto:deannakay03 at gmail.com> >; "NFB of Ohio Cincinnati Chapter List" <cinci-nfb at nfbnet.org <mailto:cinci-nfb at nfbnet.org> >; "NFB of Ohio Announcement and Discussion List" <ohio-talk at nfbnet.org <mailto:ohio-talk at nfbnet.org> >

Date 10/15/2023 5:58:01 PM

Subject [OAGDU] Reminder: OAGDU's Honey Baked Ham fundraiser


Hi all,


Please help support the Ohio Association of Guide Dog Users

with our Honey

Baked Ham fundraiser!


The Holidays are just around the corner, get everything planned now

for your big Feast!

Look no further, Honey Baked Ham has it all!

Stop by your local store, or shop online for all your Holiday

favorites from hams, turkey, delicious side dishes, and scrumptious

desserts! Enjoy your time with friends and family without all the fuss

of prepping, cooking, and baking for hours.


Buy your Honey Baked gift cards today to help raise money for the Ohio

Association of Guide Dog Users!


We'd love your help in spreading the word and helping us out! Please

share this link with others who may be interested.


Please check out our fundraising page at:




You can purchase gift cards to use online or at any Honey Baked Ham

retail store. These would make excellent gifts for your friends,

family, neighbors, co-workers, and others! You can purchase a plastic

gift card (which Honey Baked Ham will mail to you) or an electronic

gift card. The possibilities are endless with the selection of

wonderful items that Honey Baked Ham offers!


Please spread the word far and wide! Send to your friends, family, and

loved ones. Gift cards also make the perfect gift idea!


Thanks for your support!





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OAGDU at nfbnet.org <mailto:OAGDU at nfbnet.org> 


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