[Tall-Corn] Teresa‘s gaming salon

rebecca.young1264 at outlook.com rebecca.young1264 at outlook.com
Sat Oct 21 11:13:24 UTC 2023

Cindy Ray wrote the majority of this and I thought I would post it here in case anyone is interested. Teresa‘s gaming salon, 
When: November 4, 1-5  PM.
Where: Windsor Presbyterian Church, 6301 University
Host: Des Moines chapter, National Federation Of The Blind of Iowa
Come one, come all to Teresa's Gaming Salon. It will be held in Ward Hall at Windsor Presbyterian Church, 6301 University Avenue at the gateway to Windsor Heights. There is an admission fee of $20 per person to play continuous games. Six games are planned--Uno, Skip Bo, Hearts, Bingo, Racko, and scrabble. Refreshments will be available, and a ticket will give you a chance at a door prize. We are raising funds to help pay for our BELLProgram (Braille Enrichment for Literacy and learning.)This program works with children ages 4-12 on mobility, braille, and other activities and tasks. Teresa was a woman who was home schooling her grandchildren. She was passionate about braille and she loved to play games. She died unexpectedly last spring. We thought this event would be a wonderful tribute to her. Come join us November 4 and play with us.
This is also going to be our meet the Blind, and get to know us. I will have a lot of literature, alphabet cards in braille, a braille writer, and a Slaton stylist there to show people how braille is done. Come, meet us, if you know someone who is Blind please bring them.
Cell 5155539270 
Email rebecca.young1264 at outlook.com 
Becky and guide dog Karma 

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