[Tall-Corn] Fwd: DOJ Proposes Phasing Out Subminimum Wages

Rebecca Young rebecca.young1264 at outlook.com
Thu Dec 5 23:06:48 UTC 2024

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From: National Federation of the Blind <webmaster at nfb.org>
Date: December 5, 2024 at 5:03:59 PM CST
To: Becky Young <rebecca.young1264 at outlook.com>
Subject: DOJ Proposes Phasing Out Subminimum Wages
Reply-To: Bounces+r.24195.10720926.8ac1dd0a628720df at mailings.nfb.org

[National Federation of the Blind logo and tagline live the life you want]<https://nfb.org/civicrm/mailing/url?u=36728&qid=10720926>
National Federation of the Blind Applauds U.S. Department of Labor for Proposed Rule Phasing Out Subminimum Wages
Organization Urges Congress to Codify Proposal in Statute

The National Federation of the Blind (NFB), the transformative advocacy organization of blind Americans, today expressed its commendation of the U.S. Department of Labor for its proposed rule aimed at phasing out the payment of subminimum wages to disabled workers under section 14(c) of the Fair Labor Standards Act.

“The National Federation of the Blind has fought the payment of subminimum wages since 1942, so we wholeheartedly applaud the Department of Labor for bringing forth this proposed rule,” said Mark Riccobono, President of the National Federation of the Blind. “The antiquated and discriminatory practice of paying subminimum wages is based on false and stereotypical assumptions about the capacity of the blind and other disabled workers. It is and always has been an assault on our dignity that devalues not only our labor, but our very humanity. While we commend this regulatory proposal, we continue to urge the United States Congress to codify this change into our nation’s statutory law with no further delay, ending this shameful practice once and for all and relegating it, like other forms of discrimination, to everlasting infamy.”

About the National Federation of the Blind

The National Federation of the Blind (NFB), headquartered in Baltimore, defends the rights of blind people of all ages and provides information and support to families with blind children, older Americans who are losing vision, and more. Founded in 1940, the NFB is the transformative membership and advocacy organization of blind Americans with affiliates, chapters, and divisions in the fifty states, Washington, DC, and Puerto Rico. We believe in the hopes and dreams of blind people and work together to transform them into reality. Learn more about our many programs and initiatives at nfb.org.

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