[Tall-Corn] House Hearing tomorrow

bray at nfbi.org bray at nfbi.org
Wed Feb 7 19:06:43 UTC 2024

Greetings Fellow Federationists and Friends, Now is the time for you to do a
small part for the success of our efforts to get our Accessible Prescription
Labelling bill through the Iowa Legislature. There is a public hearing
tomorrow morning for the House subcommittee that is considering this bill.
Our House sponsors have carefully planned the subcommittee that it needs to
start with since all 3 members of the committee are sponsors in the House.
They are David Young, John Forbes and Austin Baeth. Austin is a doctor. John
is a former owner of one of the pharmacies in central Iowa who have long
supported accessible labelling. David has been a long time friend of the
National Federation Of The Blind both when he was in Washington and now that
he is back here in Iowa. 


You may have your comments about this bill heard by the Subcommittee by
sending them to 




This subcommittee meets at 10:30 tomorrow Thursday, February 8. Please, send
any written comments before that so that they may hear from the blind of
Iowa on this very important matter. 


Thank You.


National Federation of the Blind of Iowa Legislative Committee



Bob Ray, Legislative Chair, NFB of IOWA


3900 76th Street

Urbandale, IA 50322

Email:  <mailto:bray at nfbi.org> bray at nfbi.org

Phone. 515 334-7231


Mary L. McGee

Address: 201 Locust, #341, 

Des Moines, IA, 50309

Phone: 515 280-1281

EMAIL:  <mailto:mmcatitude at gmail.com> mmcatitude at gmail.com


Helen Mejia

Address: 1342 York Street

Des Moines, IA 50316 

Phone: 570 983-7867

EMAIL:  <mailto:hstevensnfb at gmail.com> hmejianfb at gmail.com

From: Sharla Glass <sglass at envisionamerica.com> 
Sent: Wednesday, February 7, 2024 9:49 AM
To: bray at nfbi.org; Cindyray at gmail.com; delliott at pcpartner.net;
svangorp at nfbi.org; kim.brown at gpaea.k12.ia.us; aenderton at nfbi.org;
dkirby at nfbi.org; jjackson at nfbi.org
Subject: House Hearing tomorrow


Good Morning!!  


House Commerce Committee Hearing will be tomorrow at 10:30AM.  If you can
have as many people as possible provide comments, I think it would help.
Yesterday in Virginia one of the pharmacy lobbyists said there was "limited
demand" for accessible labels.  They had about 8 pharma lobbyists and there
were only 3 NFB members testifying or who wrote in. Here is the link to the
online comment form:




Sharla Glass

Public Policy and Community Outreach Liaison

En-Vision America

825 4th Street W, Palmetto FL 34221

http://www.envisionamerica.com <http://www.envisionamerica.com/> 

Phone: 941-702-6602

Main: 800-890-1180


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