bray at nfbi.org bray at nfbi.org
Wed Jan 17 01:49:17 UTC 2024

Greetings Fellow Federationists, Today was a day that those attending the
Legislative Day event may remember for a very long time. As all Iowans know
the weather has been less than attractive for many days here in central
Iowa. We started the day with 3 participants having to take themselves out
of the mix. Next, Weather related transportation issues caused four of us to
be about an hour late. Wait there is more.


Eight Federationists met with employees of the Iowa Developmental
Disabilities Council in their office in down town Des Moines. Much of the
morning was spent in discussing elections and how to improve them with staff
from the Iowa Secretary Of State's staff We have offered to work with the
Secretary's staff to find ways to improve the current situation for blind
voters in Iowa. There was also a proposal for a "study" to look at the
possible inclusion of blind persons in electronic voting in a limited way.
We are willing to talk about it.


During lunch we discussed with the two staff members of the Iowa D. D.
Council staff what we hoped to accomplish today at the Statehouse.


About 1:00 this afternoon we went over to the Statehouse and broke up into
groups to meet with various Legislators. Though many Legislators were not
available we were successful in meeting with several key people. The
chairman of the subcommittee that is going to be handling our accessible
prescriptions bill, Senator Mark Castello,  met with all of us and asked
some good questions and may well have us speak at his Senate subcommittee
when it meets on this bill. Also, on that same bill, Representative John
Forbes and Representative David Young came to us and assured us that they
take the lead on this bill in the house and work for its passage.


We did find a great deal of interest in our Mobile Voting bill too and we
will see where all of that goes.


No matter how you cut it today was a success  it was in no small part
because of the work that Mary McGee did to make it happen. Congratulations
to all of us for a hard won success. And now we will need to follow through
to see things are completed.


Bob Ray, Legislative Chair, NFB of IOWA


3900 76th Street

Urbandale, IA 50322

Email: bray at nfbi.org <mailto:bray at nfbi.org> 

Phone. 515 334-7231


Mary L. McGee

Address: 201 Locust, #341, 

          Des Moines, IA, 50309

Phone:  515 280-1281

EMAIL: mmcatitude at gmail.com <mailto:mmcatitude at gmail.com> 


Helen Stevens 

Phone: 570 983-7867

EMAIL: hstevensnfb at gmail.com <mailto:hstevensnfb at gmail.com> The NFBI
Legislative Committee  

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