[Tall-Corn] Upcoming Senior Group Meretings

bray at nfbi.org bray at nfbi.org
Fri Jun 28 03:35:54 UTC 2024

Greetings, No, There will not be a meeting of the NFBI Senior
Group in July many of our members will be at convention that
evening. In August we will be back to meeting on the first Tuesday
of the month August 6. That meeting we will learn about the "way
around" ap. This product has some interesting features to it has
been around for the past few years. Neva Fairchild will join us
and talk about her experiences with these products. By then Cindy
and I may well have things to contribute to the discussion because
we are getting some starter kits of their labels and should have
some experiences with them by then. We are looking forward to a
very lively discussion that evening. 


Remember two more things. In September we will have our second
meeting centering on gardening. Also, , if there is something you
would like to learn about let us know and we will see what we can


Bob Ray

NFBI Senior Group Coordinator


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