bray at nfbi.org bray at nfbi.org
Wed Feb 5 16:41:04 UTC 2025

Greetings, Okay! Yes, we have had some confusion about the meeting
that was held last night and yet it did come off and very
successfully. Here are a few reflections about the meeting.


We did get a bit of a late start since the room wasn't available
until a bit after the time we had posted. When it was able to
start we had five or six people present. 


Before we started talking about the subject for the evening Helen
updated us on how things were going in Washington. We have
appointments with all of the Iowa delegation in Congress and the
Senate except one. Those that we have already met with have been
quite receptive to our priorities and will consider if they will
be able to sign on for any or all of them. Thanks to Elizabeth we
may still be able to meet with at least staff in every Iowa


The topic for this month's meeting was to discuss how to get
information about Medicare insurance coverage in a form that is
understandable for everyone and not a sales pitch. Hopefully
before the next open enrollment next October we will be able to
supply you with a great deal more information.


Next month's meeting as announced earlier will be Roger Erpelding
and Diane Hemphill doing the spring gardening show. This should be
one of our largest meetings of the winter and spring. We are also
looking into getting a "patient Advocate" to come speak to us in
April since this is an area that very few of us know much about. 


We wish to thank all of you who tried to join us last evening and
weren't able to and we especially need to thank those who stayed
with it until they actually did get in for the meeting. 


The March meeting will be on March 4 at 7:00 pm. We hope that a
large number of you will be able to join us for that gathering.


Bob Ray

NFBI Senior Group Co-Ordinator

515 334-7231

b <mailto:bray at nfbi.org>              ray at nfbi.org


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