[Tall-Corn] Last Chance for Des Moines Chapter Programming Survey -- last day Thursday, February 20th
April Enderton
alenderton at gmail.com
Tue Feb 18 20:26:31 UTC 2025
I would be happy to participate in the survey. Unfortunately, I have tried this on my Braille Sense 6, but I am unable to get it to work.
----- Original Message -----
From: Emily Wharton via Tall-Corn <tall-corn at nfbnet.org>
Date: Tuesday, February 18, 2025 06:44 AM
To: "tall-corn at nfbnet.org" <tall-corn at nfbnet.org>
CC: Emily Wharton <poetgeek at gmail.com>
Subject: [Tall-Corn] Last Chance for Des Moines Chapter Programming Survey -- last day Thursday, February 20th
A big thanks to those who have taken the time to complete the survey. If you haven't or you have thought of more ideas, the link is below. The survey is anonymous as long as you don't identify yourself. It happened that there was info included outside the perview of the programming committee, I'm also a member of the chapter board and am happy to take any info back to the board that's included and entered in the spirit of making the chapter stronger, more welcoming, or otherwise better. I'd also encourage folks to communicate suggestions directly with the President or any member of the board. We really want to make the chapter a welcoming place for everyone.
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