[Tall-Corn] Passing of Dolores Reisinger

Intesar Duncan idsummerlove at gmail.com
Wed Feb 19 18:23:28 UTC 2025

Dear NFBI Family,

I find everything that Julie said about Dolores to be so true. She was a
force to be reckoned with regarding educating the public as to what it
means to be blind and fiercely independent. She loved to socialize, and
considered herself ageless. Into her nineties she was exceptionally
active in spreading her message with unmatched vigor and conviction. I will
miss her unique friendship and always remember her calling me by my full
name, Intesar Duncan, with obvious affection.

Her service will be on Monday, the 24th, at All Saints Catholic Church in
Cedar Rapids. The visitation will be at 9 am and a mass will be held at 10
am followed by a reception and the burial. In today's Cedar Rapids Gazette
there is a very brief announcement of her passing. In the Saturday edition
there will be an announcement of her service, and on Sunday they will
publish her full obituary. The Cedar Memorial Park Funeral Home home will
also post her full obituary on their website on Friday.

I love you Ageless Lady. Now you can tell all the angels about the message
of the NFB, and how to be a proud and independent blind icon.

Love and Peace,
Intesar Duncan

On Wed, Feb 19, 2025 at 12:36 AM Julie McCullough via Tall-Corn <
tall-corn at nfbnet.org> wrote:

> I am saddened to learn of the passing of Dolores Reisinger. I met Dolores
> when I was doing an internship at Lovely Lane United Methodist Church in
> Cedar Rapids. After that, it was many years before I saw her again.
> Dolores was a mover and shaker for blind people, especially for the blind
> people of Iowa. She was a champion for "Meet the Blind Month," and when
> people met Dolores, she wanted to make sure they met blindness at its best.
> She celebrated her blindness every day and urged us to celebrate ours by
> being our best every day. Dolores celebrated her blindness, teaching with
> the Department for the blind, serving in her church and her community. As
> she grew older, she was concerned that we might be straying from the NFB's
> philosophy, best principles and practices and wanted to make sure that we
> keep them alive.
> Thanks, Dolores for letting your light shine by living the life you wanted
> and for helping and inspiring many to live the lives we want. You will be
> greatly missed.
> Julie McCullough
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Helen Mejia via Tall-Corn <tall-corn at nfbnet.org>
> Date: Tuesday, February 18, 2025 10:48 PM
> To: NFB of Iowa Internet Mailing List <tall-corn at nfbnet.org>
> CC: Helen Mejia <hmejia at nfbi.org>
> Subject: [Tall-Corn] Passing of Dolores Reisinger
> Federation Family,
> I am sad to inform you that we learned that Dolores passed away Monday
> around 11:30 AM. Intesar was able to talk today with someone from the care
> facility and it sounds like Dolores had the flu, but had also fallen and
> sustained a serious injury. We will share more information once we have it.
> Helen
> Helen Mejia, President
> National Federation of the Blind of Iowa
> hmejia at nfbi.org
> (570) 983-7867
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