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Hi April, that device might not be capable of modern internet use. Below is the survey if you or anyone else is having trouble and would like to just email it to me directly at poetgeek@gmail.com. For those who can use the form, please do so as it does save
me some time and effort to have the responses go automagically into the spreadsheet. . Thanks<span style="font-size: 12pt;">!</span></div>
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<div class="PlainText">Des Moines Chapter Program Survey
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<div>Thank you for sharing your ideas for potential programs for upcoming chapter meetings. We want to make meetings interesting, useful, enjoyable, and impactful. We also want everyone to feel welcome and engaged and want to have programming that will promote
<div>Check All of the topics you would like to see as program items at upcoming Des Moines chapter meetings:</div>
<div dir="ltr"><br>
<div>new access technology demos</div>
<div>access technology how to or .learning sessiondiscussion of kernel book or Braille Monitor stories</div>
<div>how to write your story workshop</div>
<div>Recreation or fitness</div>
<div>visits from local political leaders</div>
<div>Dealing with blindness in medical situations</div>
<div>common blindness situations skits or improv</div>
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<div>What other items would you like to see? Feel free to come up with totally different items or expand on any of the above suggestions.</div>
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<div>Do you have any other ideas or suggestions?</div>
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<div>Would you be willing to serve on the Program Committee? If so, please type your name and email address in this field.</div>