[Tn-talk] Giving a voice to persons with disabilities in disaster situations

Sheri Anderson sheri.k.anderson at gmail.com
Tue Aug 6 21:50:25 UTC 2013

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: FEMA-Disability-Integration-Coordination
<FEMA-Disability-Integration-Coordination at fema.dhs.gov>
Date: Tue, 6 Aug 2013 19:46:35 +0000
Subject: Giving a voice to persons with disabilities in disaster situations

Dear Colleagues;

Marcie Roth, Director of FEMA’s Office of Disability Integration and
Coordination, would like to make sure your voice is heard by sharing
the survey from the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction
(UNISDR) on Living with Disabilities and Disasters.   UNISDR is
conducting this survey to ascertain the needs of persons living with
disabilities and disasters.  Please take a moment to visit the link
below and complete the survey; as well as forwarding to all you know
would benefit by participating in the United Nations’ request for

UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR)
2013 Survey on Living with Disabilities and Disasters



On 13 October, the UN International Day for Disaster Reduction will
focus on the issues surrounding some one billion of the world's people
who live with disabilities and disaster risks. These persons,
by-and-large, still have no significant representation in the planning
and decision-making processes to reduce these risks or build
resilience.The International Day intends to switch on and amplify the
conversation that must take place on the needs of persons with
disabilities in potential disaster scenarios.

Given the lack of data on disability issues generally, The UN Office
for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR) is conducting this survey to
ascertain the needs of persons living with disabilities and disasters.
The International Day will further invite persons living with
disabilities as well as society at large to get involved by expressing
concerns, needs and recommendations on the International Day web page
that can enhance implementation of the Hyogo Framework for Action
(HFA) – the global disaster risk reduction plan that was adopted in
2005 for 10 years.

The HFA explains, describes and details what is required from all
different sectors and actors to reduce disaster losses. It was
developed and agreed on with governments, international agencies,
disaster experts and many others. The HFA outlines five priorities for
action, and offers guiding principles and practical means for
achieving disaster resilience. Its goal is to substantially reduce
disaster losses by 2015 by building the resilience of nations and
communities to disasters.

In 2015 the HFA will complete its 10-year term. Findings from the
survey and other information gathered during the observation of IDDR
13 will be used to influence the remaining two years of the Framework
and as well as the post HFA consultations which began in March 2012.
The goal is a post 2015 Framework that is more disability inclusive.

Click here to take the survey: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/XJFJD96

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