[Trainer-talk] KnfbReader Mobile END OF YEAR CELEBRATION

Michael Hingson info at michaelhingson.com
Wed Dec 2 08:30:47 UTC 2009


Greetings all,

We are finishing our first year of providing the KnfbReader Mobile to the
blind of the Nation.  KNFB Technologies has told me and our NFB board that
at present we are #1 in sales in the world.  This is, I believe, due to our
technical support of the Reader and our ability to provide the Readers at
good prices and most of all to you who recognize the value of the Reader.

To celebrate our first year's accomplishments we are offering some end of
year special pricing to anyone who wishes to purchase a KnfbReader by the
end of 2009.  If you purchase a KnfbReader from The Michael Hingson Group or
any of its dealers on or before December 31, 2009 you can take advantage of
these special prices.

	1.  Purchase a KnfbReader Mobile including a Nokia N82 and either
Talks or MobileSpeak at $100 off our normal price and get the package for
$1,495.00 plus shipping.  We have plenty of Nokia N82s and can get more.
Even though Nokia has discontinued this product we have access to them for
now.  Because of your faith and the buying power you have given us this year
we have unique access to this hardware in the US for the best price

If you would rather have the new Nokia N86 you can buy the KnfbReader Mobile
using this platform, again including either Talks or MobileSpeak, but now
get $150 off our regular price and get the entire package for $1,620.00 plus

As always you get full support and one year of software upgrades.  Each unit
comes fully integrated and ready for you to use.

We offer some accessories including extended batteries for the Nokia N82,
Bluetooth headsets, and WayFinder Access GPS.  Feel free to ask about these
items when calling or emailing with questions or to place an order.

Remember, to qualify for the special end of year prices you must place your
order by the end of December 31, 2009.  If you want your KnfbReader Mobile
in time for Christmas please order by December 15.  We will work with state
agencies and other organizations to accommodate their purchasing procedures
so they may also take advantage of this special pricing.

Thank you all for the support you have given us this year.  I and the entire
team appreciate all your questions and assistance in spreading the word
about the NFB KnfbReader Mobile sales project.  We will continue to provide
all the support we can as we move into next year.  As new phones and new
Reader features become available you can be assured that we will assist you
in getting your questions answered as well as in insuring that you have the
best products available.  Please visit our web site,
http://knfbreader.michaelhingson.com,  to keep up with the latest
information about the Reader.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all,

Mike Hingson

The Michael Hingson Group
      "Speaking with Vision"
                  Michael Hingson, President
                          (415) 827-4084
                    info at michaelhingson.com

for info on the new KNFB Reader Mobile, visit:

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